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hey everyone, how are you? I hope you've been well 💙 i just took a week off to fill up my creative batteries a bit (i've been watching some nice sci-fi movies, for example "I am Mother" which has been on my watchlist for a while because some people told me they had to think of Mother - Robin's big nature mom - when they watched it, so of course i had to check it out) and now i feel recharged and ready to work on my pages!

Earlier this week I started sketching panels of scene 59 🐾 and here are two panels I really like already. I enjoyed working on the storyboard for it, and I had the biggest hit of feelings when I looked at the finished thumbnails ;; It's going to be a treat to draw it all properly. It's still within the flashback, but we're veryvery close to wrapping it up and return to present! 

also, I need to confess that I haven't doodled anything the past months, and instead I 100% focused on progressing the plot, which was important for me to do, but it's also the reason why I was only able to share comic wip panels recently. But I notice how much "doodle energy" has piled up, so hopefully I will find back into a routine where I can include some doodling soon!! 🦌




Take your time! Relax and enjoy yourself ^ ^ We are excited to see what you have in store for us when you come back. Rooting for your success in progressing the story the way you plan

Kenny Crager

If you need other great sci-fi recommendations: Raised by Wolves on HBO Max, Lost in Space on Netflix, and For All Mankind on AppleTV are really good! Glad you’re enjoying yourself!


Yey! Cute stuff! Everything you post are great, and it is fascination to see the before and after pictures. I try to draw some too. But it is just stick figures right now...sooo impressed by your drawings! Not fan-girling. At all! Just so you know..😉


Look at that boy‘s faaaaace ❤️❤️❤️