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Noah is blushing...! I wonder why~

I was able to finish the lines and flats for scene 56, and finished the sketched for scene 57, too! tomorrow I will start with inking the pages for scene 57 ๐ŸŒป

I know that my posts have been a bit short recently and that I haven't talked much about what's going on in my private life, but the very short version of it is that I'm pretty overwhelmed (I think most of us are ;; ๐Ÿ’™), that's why I really try to focus on things that are in my control, do what I can, help where i can, and then I try to take care of myself. I spend time in my favorite MMO (GW2) and I focus on working on my comic, too!

something good that happened recently for me: I might have found some more answers and hints to my chronic illness! While everything still points towards slow recovery (and no cure) it's nice to maybe have a name for it, knowing there are others who experience the same, and being able to test a few new treatments and little helpers that could make me feel a bit better during the day really gives me hope. I'm currently waiting for a few little helpers to arrive next week!

Also, my plan for March and April is to do a small update sprint to progress the flashback a bit faster (for my own sake, not because I feel like I have to ; o; I just really feel like it)

Update Plan for the next few weeks

๐Ÿบ March 17th - scene 54 (part 2) for public, scene 56 for patreon 

๐ŸบMarch 30th - scene 55 for public, scene 57 for patreon

๐Ÿบ mid April - scene 56 for public

๐Ÿบ end April - scene 57 for public, scene 58 for patreon

in total: 4 public updates, 3 patreon updates

please stay safe everyone ๐Ÿ’™



Nyx Covault



Take your time to be present first and foremostly, hon <3 I hope the new results and your little helpers really do help! >3<)// Your goals look good too! We're rooting for you!! I can't wait to see/hear/read more about Noah's blushing <:3c


That's some great news! Take your time! ^^


โค hope the little helpers going to help a lot!