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hey everyone, here's a wip of scene 53! I'm currently working on the backgrounds for the scene and it's almost done so I will be able to post it next week 🌸

I really wanted to include a panel with Noah and his dad to show that they're very close, too. Since I had to cut some things while rewriting, some of the relationships have to happen more in the "background" and I can't show them in depth in the actual story. But I want to give them at least some visuals and small panels whenever I can! One of the relationships is Noah's dad, but whenever I draw him I make sure that people can see the resemblance. I designed his hair as an older version of Noah's hair, receding hairline and all. One time someone said "Noah's whole family looks like deer" and that made me so happy~

Noah probably gifted his dad that cup a while ago ☕ and he knows he can go to him for advice anytime! David is a gentle, soft spoken man, he likes to read and spends most of his freetime going through books. He's a total introvert and a little quiet at times - he balances out Martha's bubbly and curious nature. And he is an important part of Noah's support system.

I also of course use their close knit family as a contrast to Robin's family (who is absent most of the time). This contrast will have consequences for their character development while they're apart, too.

Now that I can finally talk a bit more about it... I wanted Noah and Robin to be apart for a while and give them time to become their own persons. And I want to show what being apart does to them... how much they need each other. And well, absence makes the heart grow fonder! I'm also super excited to show how they will grow back together. I can promise it's gonna be nice (and cute) 💕 I've been looking forward to those scenes ever since I wrote them, and I have already finished storyboards for them, too! I have big  plans for next year (plot-wise) and can't wait to finally draw them being close again. It's like a reward~

Update day will be on the 29th December, I will post scene 53 for patreon and scene 52 for public.

For now I wish you Happy Holidays 🌟🦌🌟 good food, lots of rest! i love youu




When I saw that panel of Noah and his dad, without looking at the mug, I already saw the resemblance and thought, “Oh, Noah’s dad is there.” But that’s too bad. I would love to see how close Noah is to his dad. I think it might be cute. 🥺 But I can’t wait to read more about Noah and Robin needing each other! Even if they have to be apart for awhile… 😭


I am so excited for this! Love your art and the story... it is sooooo goooooood!!!! Could not stop reading it when i found it! (Lucky i was on holyday bc i stoped reading at 3 in the morning!😳😴)


i'm so happy you like it, thank you so much!! i also can't wait to show you the next scenes 💙 and i feel you, i'm currently binging some mangas and i always end up reading until early in the morning~ hehe


that's so nice to know you immediately saw the resemblance, thank you so much 💙!! i will make sure to include the relationships that might come too short in the actual story in some extras, like give a bit more infos about their friends as well 🌻 can't wait to show you how they grow closer again