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update time! 🐾

i'm really excited to share this scene with you!! I'm in the middle of peeling off and revealing layers of their underlying insecurities and doubts, how their relationship changed, and what phases it went through. Also adding in some breadcrumbs & parallels here and there for you to discover~ It's very satisfying for me to see my plot's build-up taking form. I had to keep some things a secret for so long, too, but it's actually really important for their whole character development and relationship and it's nice I can soon talk about it more!!

With all of this being said, I'm really curious about your theories and how you think it did continue for them after this! Please let me know <3 I'd love to hear your thoughts





okay maybe i signed up to cry but pLEASE I DIDNT AOGB UP TO CRY N O W


They're so precious 💕💕


I love this story so much!!! These bois are the best 💜


wooww this scene is really powerful! I'm crappy at theories, but i will say i really love how the scene begins with the shot of their hands, and then ends with the hands as well, parting ways 😭 great work as always fanta! 💞


You have such an amazing way with words and expressing how your characters feel! I had to hold back some tears there 😭👏


This was so beautiful 😭

Cj Taylor



Very sad that he can't be honest with Robin. What about his own emotions?


im not crying, just something in my eye.... and in my other eye..

Cora Kent

I dont think Robin was exaggerating about carrying bandaids until he's 80. Can't wait to see what happens next. Im dying to find out if Robin will tell Noah about the kiss.


My heart 😭 I really love this story and your art 💕