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hey, just want to show some (wonky) storyboard panels! The past days I've had quite the motivation boost to work on the storyboard and I love how it turns out so far ;; seeing it all in front of me makes me feel super pumped to draw the scenes properly 🌟 I now have a solid storyboard for the next few scenes up to where we close the flashback and return to present!

Having a storyboard for the next few months set out for me is so comforting, too. It all becomes so manageable and I see it's within reach! But also, while I often say "when the flashback is over" I really enjoy working on the flashback currently. Whenever I think about it I'm just grateful I can include everything that shaped their relationship - the nice things, the not so nice things, everything.

Sometimes after I watch or read romance I'm left not knowing enough about the characters. I don't know their hobbies, I don't know big parts of their lives, and I'm a bit sad that in romance the romance often gets cut short (does that make sense?). Of course as a writer and artist I know it's impossible to include everything, but for example in romance movies I often miss the actual connection between characters. I often don't know why they fall in love, and I miss those little gestures that aren't entirely sexual, those little moments where you feel they just connected with each other. It's not just about kisses or physical touches... it's something deeper that I don't really know how to describe. But I often feel like "I want to know more", but there isn't more.

And well, what I wanted to say is... I have the chance to give myself what I'm missing in my own comic as well as I can! I can explore all those feelings properly, from when they were younger too, without having to take short cuts. It takes time, yes, but slow burn pays off and I want more of all that good pining 🖤 (and share it with you while I'm at it)

PS: I'll update a new scene for patreon and for public (wt&tapas) tomorrow! 🌸



Jay Crow

I totally agree with you about the romance missing. There's a favorite book series that I love but when the characters are getting engaged, I'm like... why? The great sex? Was that all? Because there's no 'on page' substance to their relationship other than "they were great together even outside the bedroom." But I've also read series where there is substance and it feels so much more wholesome. Warm fuzzies and all that. 😊 It's the little things that make a great relationship; unfortunately they're just not that interesting in a book or movie. I look at the dumb stuff me and my husband do that makes us laugh and build our relationship: from a reader's point of view, we'd be so weird and boring. 😂

Nyx Covault

Have you read a series called The Raven Cycle by Maggie Steifvater? I just finished re-reading it and I love how the romance between Gansey and Blue is written, slowly, over time, in a way that makes sense and isn't just "love at first sight". Not to mention I love that series for the same reason I love Ghost Lights. It has mystery, magic, it genuinely puts butterflies in my stomach every time I read it, getting caught up in the wonder and the "something more". Not to mention it includes real witchcraft elements heavily, like tarot cards, scrying, ley lines, and stuff like that! I could really see you and fans of Ghost Lights enjoying that series <3 there's also a canon BL side relationship but it's not till much later in the series, no spoilers tho. Edit: totally forgot to mention the similarity in which The Raven Cycle has a mystical sentient forest as a massive part of its plot


Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us! Yes, a relationship is built up of a thousand of small things. Physical attraction is maybe one of the bigger things, but it is seldom the only thing that keeps people together. And with a relationship as long as Robin & Noah's it's nice so see how it has evolved over time! I'm also very glad that your work makes you happy right now, and that it gives you energy rather than taking it. I wish you and the boys a good start of June! 🌺


I agree, it’s so nice the way you’re crafting your story, because I get so attached to your characters! I know about them, their lives, and their relationship before they’ve even started a ROMANTIC relationship, and it makes me love them more and more and MORE!! Such sweeties, the both of them, in so many different ways! 🥰🥰🥰