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Hey 🌻

Here's a wip of a panel with VERY TINY SONS. I love to draw tiny panels~

Aside from that I want to talk a bit about my current comic progress and also about the general direction for the coming months.

🌸 The current status of the comic:

  • I've storyboarded 50+ pages (around 9 scenes in total)
  • sketched panels and set layouts for 22 pages (4 scenes in total)
  • and I'm actively working on finishing 6 pages (scene 47)

I'm really proud of the progress ;;

🌸 Update plans:

for patreon: scene 47 end of February, if possible

for public: scene 45 end of February, depending on progress of scene 47

--> My goal for the next few months is to establish a set day for updates (for example: always on the last Thursday of each month), so I can schedule them in advance and you'll know when the comic updates!

🌸 Discord server plans:

The server will stay a little longer in hibernation mode, but I'm planning to open up new general (off topic talk etc.) channels for you! When the server is out of hibernation mode I'll peek in now and then again, especially on update days~ I will not be online as often as I used to, but I'm looking forward to talk to you all again!!

Otherwise, I'll just see how everything goes and announce things when they're ready. My plan is to do things in advance and work ahead, so that I have a buffer for times where I don't feel well. I'm making sure that I'm not overdoing it, too. I've made it a habit since early January to take two days off each week (usually on weekends), where I don't do things for the comic or work. I think the way I do stuff right now is a good direction.

What I've learned over the past months is basically: time isn't my enemy, time is my friend.

I used to think time works against me - everything is so fast and I'm so slow 🐌 But I figured I can use time for me in a certain way. I want to see time as some sort of stability? Time passes, that's for certain (I can count on it), so when I consistently do a little bit each day, progress naturally piles up. I'm able to build momentum like this. Over time... time helps me to accomplish what I want.

Of course sometimes I have doubts, too. That it's going to take foreeever because it's such a huge project and the ending is far away. But then I remember that there's still so much I want to show, and the best scenes are yet to come. And I get so relieved that it's not over yet.

Besides, I simply like to just be in the middle of something I enjoy!

Here's a quote that really resonates with me, too. 🐾

„I like the in-betweens. I like the time it takes to get somewhere.“

Hope you have a nice weekend! Thank you for reading all my rambles about random life stuff aaaa I love you 💙




Omg that’s amazing! I’m so happy for you finding a system that works for your situation! That’s always a great thing! That’s a good thought about time, and a great quote. Hard times suck, but they do tend to make us look at the world and how we go about our daily life differently, which can be really good in the long run. And I’m so excited to see the boys again! 🥺❤️❤️❤️


🥰🥰🥰 So excited for everything! Thanks for keeping us updated & I'm glad things are working out! All the love and support to you!! ❤❤❤❤❤


Wonderful to hear from you again! Of course you should be proud of yourself and your work! I am 🤩 You've come a long way, you haven't given up and you've stayed true to yourself and your art. And like you I'm so happy that it's not over yet, that we still have plenty of Ghostlight story ahead of us! It's exciting and humbling at the same time. Makes me appreciate this specific time right now 😊.


Looks like you're making steady progress, hon! I'm so happy for you! Having a plan in place looks very comforting, I think, so even on off days you still know it's all a part of your process. I think that quote is very fitting at the end too- life is about the journey after all. A handful of moments, some precious, some difficult and maybe even hard to bare, even some that are so overwhelming that you think you might burst! I think in portraying the story, the lives, of your characters, you're able to sculpt their journey. I think that's a very comforting thing too. As always, I can't wait to see more of them hon~ Take care of yourself in the mean time! ❤💕


Hello! Sorry this reply is so late, but I really wanted to say that your thoughts about how you think about time and how it can benefit you left a huge impression on me. I often feel like there isn't enough time for me to do everything I want to, especially because I like to get things done all in one sitting. Hearing your perspective was incredibly eye-opening; it's not that I've never thought about it like that, but your words make it feel achievable and so positive, and I love that. I'm going to make an effort to think about time like you do. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts~


Ahh I'm so glad to hear this 💕 What we do every day matters a lot, especially the small things, and it's totally fine to just slice up big projects in as many small projects you need or want to. it helps a lot to not feel overwhelmed