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Hey 🌸 here are some panels I've sketched last week! It's such a nice feeling to pick up my comic pages again. I left halfway through this scene and those pages were just waiting for me to continue them! It's easier to get back into it like this. Now I'm drawing new panels for it and it feels so so good. It feels a bit foreign after so long, too, but oh my god I'm so happy to see it progress again! ;;

In my next post I'll tell you more about how I am right now and how I spent my hiatus. Last year the comic didn't progress much and tbh it's a weird mixture of feelings when I think about it. But looking back at how I felt at that time and with my knowledge now, I'm surprised it did progress at all. The next post is probably going to be super long, there's a lot on my mind and I want to share that part of my life with you, too.

The comic is so connected to my experiences and whenever I learn something new, gain new insights, or go through something, my characters change and grow with me, too. And it does influence the way I write certain things.

I'm really glad I can work on this story over a longer period of time and it can grow right with me. It's one of my favorite things about making or reading comics... you can see how much a person changes or grows when you compare their first pages of a comic to newer pages. I see my own like that, too. It's like a reflection of myself and the things I've experienced. In scene 45 and scene 46 I see that I didn't feel well and they remind me of how long it took to finish just a few panels. I thought about fixing those two scenes, adding panels and the pacing, before I post them for public...... but nope, I decided against it. It's a part of me now and somehow I feel like it's really important to embrace it. I just want to focus on the things ahead and I just want to move on now, so that I can finally FINALLY show the rest of the flashback scenes I've been wanting to show for so long!

I already started to talk a lot oops, i'm going to save the rest for next time 🐌💕

thank you so much for always being so supportive and patient!! i love you




So good to hear about all this and how you’ve grown and come to understand yourself through your hiatus! ❤️ Can’t wait to hear from you more, so glad to have you back! 🥰🎉


Also, precious baby Noah strikes again, my heartttttttt.... ❤️❤️❤️


Oh I’m so happy for you Fanta!! I’m glad you’re able to do what you love again. And I’m so excited to see what comes next! 💜💖💜


I’m so glad to hear how excited you are about getting back into it and also honored for you to be sharing your experience and growth with us! ❤️


your sketches are always so nice. good job on progress!!


I'm so glad that you're starting to feel better, and slowly easing into drawing again! Your comic will be even better with the added life experience, and I hope you can take comfort in your art and use it as part of your healing process. Please take your time! We'll be here patiently waiting *inserting red blossom


So glad to hear you're getting back in the swing of things! I hope things are getting better!


It's so great to hear you are getting back into your story. I love how connected the characters are to you personally. It's amazing to see how much you have grown through all of your struggles in life and all of the happy parts of your life. Can't wait to see more ❤


Thanks for sharing! It's good to hear you're feeling better and enjoying your work again!