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those are panel wips from scene 47! Noah looking a little ruffled..... i could work on the storyboard (20+ pages which will be around 2 - 3 scenes) and i also started to sketch new pages! i can't guarantee for an update this month*, but i will show you more wips and sketches, i have some really cute ones and also i'm excited to show more current comic wips!


i'm sorry that i've been so quiet this month! i'm also sorry i have to talk about this again, but the short version of it all is: i'm not feeling well. i was being a bit more hopeful as i told you in some of my last posts and then i said that i was setting up some routine around it all so i could work on the comic when i have good moments (this still works mostly and i'm so glad i made some sort of routine and system to fall back onto). 

unfortunately some symptoms have become worse and now on top of it my vertigo got really funky a few days ago... like everything is tilting to the right and it's hard to deal with currently, physically and mentally. i can't tell you more details at the moment, but as soon as i know more i will tell you. i always want to be transparent with you so you know what's going on, but i don't know what's going on myself ;; and i have to wait for results again, hoping for new / different treatment.

*as always i will try to work on my comic, because it gives me stability and hope and something to distract myself. that means i'm still working on the comic behind the scenes, the comic is still going! i just can't guarantee for any updates right now.

thank you for your support and your patience, and your encouraging messages! ;; i'm very grateful to have you 💙




Do the best you can, when you can. I don't know what's going on with you, and i don't beed to know either. But i do want you to think about yourself when it's bad and try and ignore anyone making demands and being insencitive. You're creating a beautiful story with lovely art, and you doing it because you want to, and just also desided that you wanted to share that with others. You owe us nothing. Thank you for coming to me TED talk... ✌🏻


I’m so sorry that you are having such a challenging time, Fanta... Don’t worry about the updates. Robin and Noah keep living in our hearts and minds even when you are not able to post. 🌈 You’ve given us enough glimpses of their future through your sketches that we can imagine them together and have our daydream-stories about their adventures when there are no updates. Take care of yourself, though! ❤️


Look after yourself! We'll take whatever you can give us, but don't push yourself to create if you're not up to it at the moment!!


Oh no Fanta. Please please please take care of yourself and don’t worry about us or the comic. Work on it because it helps you not to try and appease others, we can wait. Heck we are lucky you share your boys with us at all. Take all the time you need to do what is right for you. Your health is the most important thing!!!!!!


Please take care of yourself! We are all here for you and want to support you. Just do what you need to do to get a little better each day :)


You’re amazing. Please take your time. We love you and want to see you in good health more than anything🖤🖤🖤 I’ll be keeping you in my thoughts!!!

Cj Taylor

💙💙💙💙 take your time Fanta your health is #1 im happy with just a scribble from you as long as you are taking care of yourself


I know exactly how vertigo feels. it's almost impossible to sit and focus on drawing. take your time getting better. we'll still be here for you & ghost lights


Take your time and don't over work yourself. We love you and don't want you to hurt yourself. Your amazing you are in my thoughts. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Nyx Covault

Fanta, I relate to you a lot as I'm also nonbinary and have chronic illness (fibromyalgia and mental health stuff,,) and so just wanted to say as a fellow artist that these things take time, a s those truly supporting you as a creator will never mind if it takes longer than usual to produce something. You are giving us a free (or willingly paid) service and as such nobody is entitled to your work. Take as long as you need and I hope you're having a great day whenever/if you read this. Sorry for any typos I'm a bit drunk.