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hey everyone, i hope you had some nice days! 🦌🌟 i ate so much cake....

a small heads up. there will be an update for my patrons later today!! though there's a change of plans - i decided to cut scene 41 into two parts and post the first 4 pages (out of 10) for you today, and the other pages in a few days!

the reason for this: i unfortunately ran into problems / delay with the coloration because of personal issues of the person who helps me with flats. ;; i tried to catch up over the Holidays, was pretty sure i could do it... but that was the worst timing (avoid family responsibilities? didn't work), so now i have 3 pages in the middle that are only halfway done.

i didn't take into account that something like this could happen. from now on i know i have to plan for those things, too. i might have to do the coloration without help again; but even if not, i need to plan in those times as work for myself so i can still manage when something unexpected happens. i think this was a good and needed last lesson for the year ;; even though maybe a bit unsatisfying, but i want to see this positively.

this situation just made me notice once again how time consuming the coloring part is and that i have to think about how to go about it. the colors in Ghost Lights are really important and the story kinda lives through colors and transitions and red contrasts, so it'll always be an essential part. but i've started to test some things and i'm going to try to simplify my progress (and style?) as much as i can without losing quality or the vibe of the story. i think i need to find a way to save "movements" while coloring... every stroke i don't have to draw is a good stroke! so the coloration might just look a bit simpler here and there from now on, but i'm going to be sneaky about it~

anyway, coloration is the reason but the REAL reason is that the temptation to grind is so huge and grind always does more harm than good. i was already in the middle of speeding through everything and then i stopped midway in a panel and thought "that's not a good idea" 

i have so much fun with drawing lately, the task itself makes me really happy and i notice that a lot of things become easier for me, especially lining (which is a huge  improvement). i want to keep this up! i also made myself a new cozy workspace the other day and now i'm drawing in a nest out of blankets which honestly helps so much to get into the flow right away. and i'll be able to start with scene 42 right after i'm done, too, because the sketches are pretty much finished! so there is actually a lot of comic content in the works that wants to be shown in the next weeks!! but... i need to make sure that i'm not overdoing it just to squeeze in too much because of excitement either.

i hope that's okay with you! i'm really curious about your reactions to the first part πŸ’™!



take your time! i cant wait to read it :)


Wow! Hopefully everything is ok. Take all the time you need. I love your story and want to make sure the art is the best you want it to be and that you also stay sane through the process. πŸ˜…


Sounds like you're making a tonne of progress with your art and your process, which is amazing. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product, whenever that is. We will enjoy anything you give us, so you do whatever it is you've gotta do to be happy with what you create. A nest of blankets sounds so comfy, by the way.

Cynthia Smith (Dex)

A proper and good nest is a must for creativity. Lol. We will love your work no matter what. πŸ–€


We are in no rush and neither should you be. I look forward to what you put out so take your time doing it. Watch out for your hand.


I second what everyone else has said. Do what you need to and look after yourself first. We eagerly and hopefully patiently await anything you give us so don't worry <3


If you need to find more help there's a ton of artists on instagram that I'm sure would help you. No idea how much they charge, but it's an option if you run into trouble with helpers again because we don't want you hurting yourself taking on too much.