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hey guys, i hope you're well ๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒˆ summer suddenly happened?? and it's very hot, but i'm still (or because of it?) in a real good mood! 

scene 37 is almost done! i'm working on the background coloration now, which is the last step before lettering, so i will update scene 37 tomorrow for $5+ patrons! ๐Ÿ’™ and i promise you it will be extra nice this time~ 

usually i would've panicked at the end of the month, trying to finish it even though so much was still missing. even though i know most of you would've not been mad at me or anythingi often still go ohhfuck! but this time i just noticed it's better if i take my time. i think i'm experiencing something like growth right now hahah i really don't know how else i could describe it! but right now i feel comfortable to just take it a bit easier, and i think it has a lot to do with myself. i think i'm beginning to accept some parts of myself i kinda felt guilty for

for example, i updated for public a few days ago and for the first time in months i didn't feel nervous or anxious about it. i could just enjoy the reactions to it instead. i know a lot of those fears are caused by myself and my own guilty feelings. invisible pressure to keep up with the industry, and all those different expectations, but especially my own. it will still take a while until i can shake it all off, but it helped me so much to see that even if i struggle sometimes, my readers will still be there and be interested ; _;

on another note, i'm absolutely in need of a focused writing session. i've made a lot of progress this week. i've changed some things that were necessary and i love how it is developing right now. i wish i could show you my writing process, too! i wish i could tell you what happens sdjfhh the changes i'm currently working on make much more sense than the current draft! it's a lot of progress between Robin and Noah in all directions. i'm happy whenever i can see the light after a while

scene 38 is the start of volume 3, and will be a shorter scene mostly from Noah's POV. i'm easing my way into the big scenery change........

here's a first glimpse of where part of volume 3 will take place: (guess where?)

in June i will mostly work on:

๐ŸŒฟ finish + update scene 37 for patreon

๐ŸŒฟ biiig writing session  

๐ŸŒฟ working on scene 38 (i will be able to show more wips again!)

๐ŸŒฟ public update at the end of the month (scene 36)

๐ŸŒฟ practice&sketches

๐ŸŒฟ requests




wiggles excitedly


I'm sorry that you felt that way. No one should ever feel guilty about being themselves. I'm excited to see the progress between Robin and Noah going into volume 3! Did they move into a house together?


you're really sweet omg ;; it has gotten soo much better recently! i just felt guilty because i kept looking back at how i used to be? i often can't pinpoint where it comes from but sometimes i have thoughts like "i used to be able to do so much!" which is a useless thought. or i'm comparing myself to others - but let's be real, comparing yourself to others is never a good idea, no matter in which situation. so i'm learning that it's okay and that it even has good sides to take everything slow <3 thank you (tiny) cutie


I'm glad you feel like you've been improving yourself <3 taking care of yourself is the most important thing


Comparing yourself to others is always a TERRIBLE idea. Sometimes it's even a bad idea to compare yourself to your past self too. I used to be able to run around all day long wearing nothing but flip flops on my feet, a small pair of shorts and a t-shirt in the middle of a blizzard and just be like "yup, this is the north and I'm a yooper, I can handle the cold!" but now I know better than that and even though it was fun to see the looks old people gave me and I "looked good" I'm not a skinny Minnie showing my bones looking for a cold so I'd have an excuse to not go to school for a week. I grew up and got myself a layer of blubber to help me survive the "harsh" winters up here and wear sweaters and cover my toes. It's okay to look back but do NOT compare only what you can no longer do. Take in the things you couldn't do then and the consequences too. For example, I was still in school back then and was always getting sick. Now, I'm on track to paying off my house and sure I might be a bit chubby but I haven't caught a cold in years. If you insist on comparing the negatives make sure you compare the positives too. It's okay to go at your own pace.