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i'm working on a bit of extra content before i get to the next scene! i thought it would be good to collect and wrap up all the information we learned so far about their past and give their spirit forms a character sheet~ i'm going to do one for Robin and one for Noah! and for Mother. talking a bit about their appearance and random tidbits, maybe including some you don't know yet

the red part at the bottom isn't part of the character sheet, but will be included in the extra, too. i think it will be very interesting to look at and really helpful, too!! it's something i've wanted to do for quite some time now. can you guess what's it going to be? 🌿

(you can skip the following text if you want. i'm just explaining my situation a bit)

again, i'm veryvery sorry for being so quiet here but the past days i've noticed a good improvement and i can feel how it helps with my productivity and general mood! i feel human again! ;; 

i've been very tired because of lack of sleep for the past two or three months... couldn't get more than 3 or 4 hours at once, couldn't fall back asleep when i woke up, couldn't keep a rhythm because unable to sleep whenever i tried. i tried my hardest to not let it get to me, but in December it really showed the effects and how i was unable to focus on work and the days just went by. a week ago i kinda hit a low out of nowhere, i was suddenly so damn sad for no reason at all and everything made me cry and just wanted to be alone. and i know the lack of sleep was to blame because i literally just cried myself into exhaustion and then i slept 7 hours for the first night in literal weeks and even though i didn't feel good right away after ;; !! the amount of relief i felt i tell you

i don't want to talk about health stuff too often that's why i didn't mention it on here before (however i whined plenty in Discord about it dfhd so some of you knew this already) but a few months ago i stopped taking my antidepressants (which is super good! next step in recovery) but now i had the lack of sleep coming as side effect and i was not prepared for this. and i didn't want to take other medication to help me sleep... that'd be not smart. my body takes just very long to adjust again and i'm so grateful you're all so patient with me. you help me through times like those too and you're really my backbone. for now i'm still at it, trying to fix and finally getting more sleep, but soon i'll be back completely with the cutest boys 🌸 i love you with all my being  






I always had a feeling but I'm SO glad you feel better 💕💕 we always will have your back so don't worry!! We love you and I look forward to 2019!!! 💕 You will do great I'm sure about that!


Please look after yourself :3 💕💕


Went through a similar thing last year. Found out I was being treated for the wrong disorder my entire life, then switched to new meds after fully detoxing from the old ones. Sleep issues were the worst. If you are okay with a suggestion, I used these drinks (Literally have them at walmart) called Neuro. There's a lot of different ones for different things, but I use the SLEEP one the most. I only need two small sips to sleep a good eight hours, and I mean good. Plus, it tastes yummy...


Excited!! And I’m glad you’re putting yourself first, we’d rather have you happy and healthy!! ❤️ Can’t wait for you to be back with Your Boys! 😁❤️🙌🏻


oh damn that's horrible ;; i'm glad they finally got you the right meds and treatment.... but i'm sorry you had to go through that 💔 i hope you're getting better now!! hope you're okay 💙 ; _; and thank you for your suggestion, i'll look into it! i'm not sure if we have that in Germany but i'm curious if there's something similar because it sounds very helpful


Exactly what toblerone231 said ! Your health and well being is most important! <3