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i'm done with storyboarding and sketching 34 !!!!! pages! that's well... it's a lot, so i have to cut the scene in 3 parts because it's really long. for now my current plan is:

scene 28 = 20 pages / scene 29 = 6 pages / scene 30 = 8 pages

means this month i'll work on 3 scenes at once basically! but i'll try to finish everything in one go. because of this i won't open the shop again this month, comic progress has priority. but discord will still happen of course, i think this will also help me to keep going ;; 💙 i want to get it live over the weekend 

ps. i'm not sure how i'll handle uploading the 3 scenes for public yet. like, absolutely no idea. but you'll get to see them as soon as they're done, on patreon! so hey, you'll probably be wayyy ahead the public update from now on, too! is this my chance to actually build a buffer?? stay tuned 🌸

also look at tiny Noah sneaking into the scene isn't he cute




Noah is most definitely adorable 😚 looking forward to discord, too!


Whooooo so many content ahead 🙀🙀🙀💕💕💕💕💕


Uwwww I totally love your plan xD


Hehehe, I've not told ou I love you enough! I love you so much and love your plan~ Adorable tiny Noah <3