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hello babes, i'm so so sorry that i wasn't very active the past week

i wanted to make a post here for days. i wanted to explain the current progress and the complications and problems, because there have been many behind the scenes and i think i've lost 10 years of my life just communicating with suppliers. i've learned my lessons; will also avoid some of them the next time. anyway, every time i had new infos for you i waited a bit too long and then new progress was made and i just didn't find time to write it down... i didn't want to just apologize for delays

but you are all very patient and kind to me, and now i'm really happy to tell you that everything is finally home! 🍀 please watch the vid ahhhhdfh and everything else looks REALLY REALLY GOOD, TOO

i have so many parcels with books in my room, it's a total colorful mess. some parcels are still in the hallway, my desk is full of charms and key rings, everywhere are boxes and bubblewrap and envelopes and you know how Ghibli rooms look?? yeah like that 🌻 it's kind of a nice feeling because even though it's so much work i feel like i'm doing something good. i know that sounds cheesy but i've always wanted to have a small shop and make nice things for people, wrap them, pack them, and send them little packages to brighten their days. you always make my days better with nice feedback and nice words, too 💕 i really love you so much because you make all of this possible and i can't thank you enough

next step: i'll steadily finish and send out all orders. please be a little more patient because it really is a lot and now the books and charms almost arrived at the same time (of course?) and i have this huge amount of items that still need handling dsjfhs but i have some helping hands (my mom and little brother) and i hope i can get it done asap

when i start sending it out i'll tell you and remember to check your spam folder sometimes. you'll receive an e-mail saying "your order has been completed" when i sent your order out. those of you who have chosen tracked shipping will get a note with the tracking number shortly after <3 

and, something important! 🌸 i have finished like 20 tiny Noah spirits and i will do some more. I already put sketches to patrons i recognized (name / e-mail / when we talked more often already), but if you also want a little Noah sketch, please just tell me your order number via comment below or message and i'll send a good boy home with you. otherwise one might just randomly appear because i will also choose orders randomly and put them in there~ some examples of not fawns

OKAY that was enough babbling. i hope you have a nice weekend <3


fanta 🌈🌿 on Twitter

flip-through 🌸 https://t.co/OR9gbas20z



Wow, everything looks so good! I’m so happy for you! I hope the rest of this process goes smoothly for you. Take your time and keep up the good work!! ❤️


They all look absolutely amazing. Getting my parcel from you will be a dream come true~ Imagining the Ghibli look must be wonderful. Remember to have breaks and take care of yourself as well. We can wait, as long as needed so you don't overwork yourself. ✨💛❤️💛✨ (ღˇ◡ˇ)♥ℒᵒᵛᵉᵧₒᵤ♥


The book and the merchandises are all so gorgeous! Take your time as much as you need, it certainly will worth the time it takes! Thank you for your hard work! ❤️ If it's not a problem for you, I'd also love a little Noah sketch, his design is really unique in my opinion (as well as the others too!). My order number is Order #1267


Omg Fanta it all looks so good!! I’m so excited to get the parcel you took so much care to put together! But please don’t push yourself too much and remember to take lots of breaks. All wonderful things take time and we have lots of patience 😊. I love the idea of a Ghibli room too!! I bet it’s amazing! 💜 If it’s not too much trouble and you have enough, I’d love a tiny Noah sketch!! My order number is Order #1256


SO EXCITED TO GET ALL THIS. my order number is 1309 if I could please have a little Noah of my own &lt;3 I can’t wait to have a physical copy of your lovely work. Thank you for your efforts and please rest properly too!!!


Everything just looks SO amazing! (It makes me feel like I should have gotten more things ajsnkfnkjd) but still I'M SO EXCITED!!!!! But we all know you're working as fast as you can so take as much time as you need! Don't push yourself too hard &lt;3 And thank you for all the work you're putting into putting all the orders together. But again remember to not work too much and stress yourself out, you'll get them out when you can. Anyway I know others requested it and I also would like a little Noah sketch if you could. But if it's too bothersome don't worry about it. My order number is #1430.


thank you so much ;; i hope so, too, but now that everything is here i'm very relieved and can finally finish things 💜


i will take lots of breaks, promised! it's super hot and humid these days and it wouldn't be too smart to overdo it, i'd probably melt into a puddle and stay like this adfjh 💕 thank you cutie, i hope everything will arrive safely


thank you so much 💛 i've noted your order number and hope everything will arrive safely. i'm also happy that you like his design because it's basically some of my absolute favorite animals combined 🦌🦊🐰


thank youuu ;; i will take many breaks and i'll try to not overdo it (that really wouldn't be smart while the temperature is like that). and ahhh sure 💜 i'll send one home to you, and i really hope everything arrives safely


tiny Noah especially for you &lt;3 noted! and thank you so much, you're so sweet ;; i'll rest a lot between all the packing


thank you so much ahhh ;; honestly it helps a lot that you all want me to take my time, and rest, and it really makes things easier for me and i probably get it done faster this way, too. you're the best i cry &lt;3 and sure, i've noted your order number and you'll definitely get your own little Noah, too 💕


Ahh I always loved ghibli rooms. It always looks so peaceful even if there is a mess xD I bet the same applies for you room now. Everything looks so great, I can't wait to buy more goods from you later, since now I only had money for the book. But I will definitely come back to your shop in following months! xD it's great your family helps you with it, too! That way you won't overwork yourself. I already gave you my number via instagram for your not-fawn soft boy ❤️ the gold looks very nice on him


Everything Looks so amazing!!!! All the hard work and love you’ve put into this really shows. Im so happy to be lucky enough to be a part of your journey, even in a small way. From the first moment I discovered you and your work, I knew I found something truly breathtaking and special. I’m Order #1245 if it’s not to late to get a darling Noah sketch!


Countdown time!!!!! Please take your time eat a lot and stay hydrated!!! Now that everything is here it'll be just fine 💕 I'm so so excited!!! You are too kind to us 😭💕💕💕


So excited! Sorry this has been so stressful for you, but I'm sure the end result will be spectacular! my order number is Order #1616, just in case :)


cries ; ; you're so cute thank you so much!! i'm so happy i can share the whole process of working on the comic with you, it's more fun for me, too. when i started out (drawing the prototype; and then writing the whole plot for the actual story) it was a little lonely, but now it's not anymore. and without you guys this would not even be possible &lt;3 i'm really thankful and it's so nice to see you so excited, it just makes me want to give my best every day. andd you're not too late, i noted your order number 💙


the most stressful thing is that you can't really rely on many of the suppliers; and there aren't many alternatives either. even though you pay a ton of money for it and might expect good service they just... don't really care? i have suppliers from Germany but the UK as well and they're both the same so it's not even a country specific thing. there's also always damaged or unusable items i have to sort out and deal with and it's like "ughh now i need to decide what to do with them, but i'll get to that later..." sdfkjh stressful indeed. but yes i think the results look really really good ;; and i noted your order number as well &lt;33


thank you //// yes i love Ghibli aesthetic, it feels peaceful and calming (even though, i reaaally need to clean my room after all this hahah). and aaa i'm glad you like the gold on him!! i noticed this fits the story so well and looks nice on Noah's outfits and design, so I like to add red and gold and blue and silver as contrasting colors for the boys 💛


💙💙💙 now that i read this i think i need to drink something sfjhd thank you for the reminder! /hugs


Oh my goodness I'm getting so excited just reading this and seeing the video and pictures! Thank you for dealing with everything to get these orders to us~ I'm glad to hear you're getting some enjoyment out of it and it's not over the top stressful. No pressure, but if you have time my order number is #1569. There are two books because I'm getting one for myself and one for my friend who is also a Ghost Lights fan, so if it would be possible to have two sketches so she could have one too that would be amazing, but again, no pressure! Thank you for all your work~


sjdfdh oh man it makes me so happy that you and your friend both like the comic! ;; that's really nice &lt;3 i added your order number and noted 2 sketches! i hope everything arrives safely 🌻


Ahhh thank you very much!! (⌒▽⌒) We both appreciate it!


Thank you so much! ❤️ It is truly wonderful what you do to us readers, replying everyone with kind words. I'm really happy you asked if some would like a mini sketch - To me, aside from the merchandise, an original artwork/doodle is just... captures the soul of an artist, no matter how little it is. So, thank you again! I wish you the bests! ^^


I can't waaait. I'm so excited to finally have everything in my hands. I love your comic so much 😭😭