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hey babs, small change of plans!! i said i'm going to publish the whole character info extra end of December, but because i spontaneously decided to visit my partner tomorrow, i guess it's smart to save a buffer for January! i'll still work on the comic and i will update. and i will post the other parts and wips here on patreon, too, so no worries about that 💕 i'll just post the whole thing a bit later

and i decided to add some more infos. for example i actually didn't plan to talk about their sexuality yet, because i wanted to explain it in the story, through flashbacks. some of you even asked about this, and i told them i won't add it, but i will probably include it now <3 

many of my readers seem to be really surprised/shocked that they aren't dating yet and that Robin called Noah his best friend (? even though it's in the description), so i'm gonna add a bit about that, too! like, nothing too detailed, but i'll just shove it into people's faces that they're not a couple yet ahah. just to make it more clear

to be honest it's like a learning curve for me right now. i tell this story from my own POV, a queer POV. being a gay creator and having gay friends, many of the things i include are my own experiences, too. and while i gave everything much thought while writing the plot, maybe some things need to be stated right from the beginning in a really loud manner so that no one can miss it, and maybe i didn't do this right storytelling-wise. maybe people confused the kiss in the prototype with the current story, too. bed sharing seems to be the main issue though. but they have been sleeping in the same bed so often already, as kids, and even as teens, it's very normal for THEM (maybe not for everyone, i understand that), so this might have been a missing info, too. and the story is super slow burn, just the way the knowledge dribbles in (i want to do it at the right time for the right effect sdjkfh but you see sometimes it's kind of not working out)

anyway i always want my readers to enjoy the plot as much as possible, no matter what kind of people (queer or not) they are, so at least i can try to clear it up a bit!

also from now on it will be painfully obvious that they're "just friends" in the plot itself. i'm so excited for all the pining. i love pining in stories so much

💕 to end this, thank you so much for all your support this year. i'm so lucky and sometimes can't believe how incredibly kind you are to me. i hope you have a wonderful New Years Eve (and if it's just sleeping tightly covered in soft blankets) and i hope the next year will bring MANY MANY GOOD THINGS FOR YOU 🍀🍀🍀🍀 




I also read the tweets about the BL-tag, and it's really somehow sad that that's such a huge deal apparently. And you said that their best friends so, so often and I personally thing it's also obvious and that the way you wrote it is completely fine, so don't let that drag you down. One's able to see just how much thought and love you put into Ghost Lights! Personally I wasn't aware of them already knowing about their sexuality, but in the end why does it even have to matter if two close, male best friends are straight or queer(while still only being friends)? Besides I personally can't wait for the pining! And it's totally understandable that you'll postpone it a little when you're visiting your partner. I hope you'll have a awesome time with Kan, you're both lovely, and a good start into the new year!


you mean the conversation between tato and me? yeah... i'm kind of relieved we all have the same problem, kind of, so if we all work together as creators and audience we might change the media step by step, and we can normalize stories with lgbt+ characters without putting them into the BL tag. because right now the majority do it no matter what genre it actually is. a sci-fi story with hetero protags is a sci-fi story, but a sci-fi story with gay protags is BL (I *do* love BL when it's good btw, my favorite mangaka are BL mangaka, but many disregard the stories right away because of the general? quality? of BL? and some others just expect fast porn, too. i can't even properly articulate the issue, it's super complicated and broad) i'm just so glad you see it this way, and i'm so thankful for your support!! thank you, dear! i'm always happy to hear from you 💜

Florence Fong

imo unconditional friendship can have blurry lines, but I look forward to what you have in store for us~ I love ur characters regardless and story is a third component of what makes a good comic. (the two other parts are characters and art, which you've clearly already got down) thanks as always for creating this 😊😊


That would really be so important! There is that story called No.6, idk if you know it, where they actually didn't put the 'BL-lable' on (which is right, 'cause although their feelings for each other are somehow important to the story, it really doesn't matter if they're platonic, romantic or sexual and what actually matters is the story itself), but there are still so many people that just push it into the BL-genre and don't even give it a chance. I also think it's good when shows have side characters that are LGBT+, because that just somehow normalizes the topic, and it should just simply be normal. And yeah the issue with BL is really...hm.. You're welcome, but there's no need to thank me. You deserve it!


I always thought your intentions were really obvious with the Boys’ relation but maybe that cause I read everything like 2-3 times when it comes out 😩😩😂😂 I love the way you are unfolding this story so I hope you don’t let other people interfere with what you want to do!! Either way, I’m just happy you’re sharing your story (and Your Boys!) with us! 😘 I am SO. EXCITED. for the pining!!! It’s one of my favorites too 😉😉 Especially when you start to see it working its way towards realizations on both sides!! I know it does matter a lot to other people, but personally whether something is BL or not is so secondary to whether I like the characters and the plot (mostly the characters). If I love the characters and they’re portraying a relationship or growth of relationship that’s fairly realistic and good emotionally, I’m always on board! 🙌🏻 (which you’ve hit the nail on the head with Ghost Lights, sooooo... ❤️❤️❤️) I don’t really know what I’m saying anymore, but know we’re all sending our love and support!! 😘😘 Happiest of New Years! Enjoy your time with your partner and we will see you in 2018!!


I personally really love the way you tell Ghost Lights. Relationships are always super complicated and they don’t usually come with someone explaining them to you. “Are they just friends?” “Are they more than friends?” “Do they want to be more than friends?” I think that’s just part of the awesomeness of your story. So if you want to make things more clear that’s great. But don’t feel like you have to because it’s amazing the way it is. Happy New Year to you and your partner! I hope 2018 is an awesome year for you!! 🎉💜


As I've already said , I never had any difficulty seeing them as friends, even if close ones. I'm happy they will eventually get together but I would still read and love Ghost Lights even if they didn't. It's beautifully told and drawn. I'm also loving the characters very much. I don't mind the change of plans, I'll be happy with what ever you decide to show and share with us and when. Thank you for drawing and sharing this wonderful journey with us. ❤️ To many more wonderful weeks and months of 2018.