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warm up sketch of today! i'm a bit behind on my schedule this month, but i'm positive i'll get the extra done in the next few days.

in case you can't read what they say in the sketch..

Noah: Let's play!! I'm bored.

Robin: No. I don't play.

Noah: You just don't know how to.

Robin: .... That, too.

Noah has to teach Robin some basic things. old spirit has never played with anyone before.. 

i think it's obvious that their personalities here differ quite a bit from their recent human ones? i want to show what events can do to someone, or what trauma and doubts and desires can do. or oblivion and the absence of awareness of a problem. lots of character development to come

but look at them being all cute all the time. what even could go wrong 😈




That is so adorable XD I love it <3<3<3


❤️❤️❤️ Big fan of Spirit-Noah leading Spirit-Robin by the nose cause he's just so darn cute...


That is the cutest thing I've ever seen






that's it, i'm gonna use *bonk* as a soundword for whenever they bump their heads together. thank you for this sjdfh