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Hello again! Been a while and I planned to give you update earlier, but time has not made any sense lately. 

So! Firstly, cleaned up the Patreon timeline and updated the DropBox Links 

Some of you know, that I did start studying and internship job couple months ago. I'm now studying "Vocational Qualification in Business and Administration" which is just a fancy way to say I'll be a secretary and/or an accountant. 

It has gone well, I've liked the school and my internship place seems to have long term plans for me too. But of course, this has totally messed up my schedule. You all must have noticed the drop with pages, which I do apologize. 

I don't think I've ever been as short with time as I am now. And when I do have a change to sit down and draw, I've also noticed that I work much slower than before. I keep adding more (unnecessary) details and I'm much more picky of the end result.
While it's annoying to work slower, when I'm already short on time, I at least hope that it somehow shows in the quality of the pages.

So we gotta go forward with this. I do hope that once I adjust more to this new routine I can get pages out in quicker space.

I can't thank any of you enough for being here, showing me support even when I don't deliver as much as I'd like. You guys keep me going when I get back home, no matter how exhausted I still want to do these comics.
I won't give that up and it's all thanks to you.

Thank you, good night and I hope you all do well this year. 


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