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Hey everyone! Usually I want to do updates once month has passed, but this time I felt like this is important to share before that.

So there is going to be rather big change happening in the future.
I'll be starting school again next August. 

Why? Because I've been unemployed for good 7 years and my graphic design degree is not really bringing any open jobs. I am forced to find new profession. Most likely I'll be an accountant.

What about comics? That's the thing. I love doing comics and I want to finish these stories. I also have plenty of other stories that I'm eager to draw out, outside of BKQ universe. But sadly doing what I love just doesn't support me. I am beyond thankful for all of your support and I can not be more humbled that so many of you are here.


The comics shall go on!
I am not going to stop my comics, of course not! My comics and my readers have kept me alive during worst times of my life. I am not giving it up. The amount of pages per week is most surely going to drop at August, but it will not stop.

I hope you'll understand when I can't put out 6 pages per week anymore. 

There is still lots of things open before the school starts, but until then... I'm going to try my best and grind out pages this summer!

Thank you all so much!
I hope I can still be worth your support in the future.

Oh and Dropbox Links have been updated!



Best of luck! I recently started school again after so long. We can do it though lol

Andrew Armstrong

I hope that whatever you try for works out. When there are fewer pages, I'm sure we all will understand. It is a shame that freelance did not work for you.


Oh I never went to this with plans of supporting myself with Patreon. I've been looking for "real" job all this time too, but since there hasn't been any for my degree I've had time to put so much time to this hobby.