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So this was already talked about the 10$ Patron discord group and now I want to bring the idea out more openly.

I've had this idea of doing some illustrations that are connected with each other. But the twist being, you guys would be able to vote on events.

Let's for example first illustration of Kiara, just chilling. And then there is options that she would either
A: Take a bath
B: Go for a walk
C: Get drunk.
You would vote on your option and the next piece would take the route that was voted the most. And slowly piece by piece build a small story. The idea with these stories would be that they are lewd. They eventually turn into porn. But like this you get to choose a setting, how it starts and how it would escalate. 

The voting options would be for 10$ and 5$ patrons, 1$ patrons would get the view the images a little later, after the choice of next scene has already been made. 

Would this be an idea you guys would like to take part in?


Mari Mcgee

That's good!

Thomas Boys

This sounds like a fun little experiment. I'm on board with it.