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Hey guys! Been a while! <3
I'm just here to thank all of you who are still here. We have ups and downs, but still going nice and strong!  I can never thank you enough for that.

So last month was stressful one, since I got other work to do, besides the comics. And I was close of burnout with so many things to do and I felt like I wasn't doing enough no matter how many hours I spent! But don't worry, my friend was able to kick some sense to me.
One thing at the time, take your time to finish things properly.
I'm still middle of drawing those other things, but don't worry. My comics are always my number 1 priority!

Just thanks once again!
Thanks for supporting such anxious fool <3



"And I was close of burnout with so many things to do and I felt like I wasn't doing enough no matter how many hours I spent! But don't worry, my friend was able to kick some sense to me. " Good for you you have such a great friend! Just a note - don't underestimate sleeping. If you stay awake to do things and then thanks to staying awake you sleep less, it will only be worse the next day and day after and after...