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I can't believe I'm gonna complain about this, but I have to.

So I tried to buy new eraser this week, because of course I use them a lot and they shrink away quickly. But the brand I usually buy wasn't at the store so I took another. And this eraser is SHIT. It doesn't erase, it just spears the pencil mark around.

Want proof, look at this shit!

I tried my best to erase that hand away, and this is the best this fucking useless eraser can do!

Today I went to 3 different stores, one being 20 min away, and none of them had my erasers! Only these same shitty ones I already had. So I got home and used 20 fucking euros to order new, better erasers. I live in the countryside of Finland. Stores are limited here.

Without eraser I literally can not get work done, since I draw all the pages by traditionally. Use pencil, black marker over it, erase the pencil marks, scan, color. 

Luckily I should have enough pages done so couple day break should not break my schedule. But I'm still so angry! I never images a god damn eraser being this big of a problem.



Kyle Murphy

Unfortunately you can't just erase this issue


Have you tried making a ritual sacrifice to the dark and blasphemous god of erasers? You will need to sacrifice permanent markers.


Oh I made a sacrifice. To the darkest god of them all. Online store. With the most painful sacrifice there is. Money.