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I feel like it's time for lil update each time month passes and payments get through.

I once again thank all of you, who decided to be here yet another month <3 I've been trying my hardest to give you all the pages that I can and I will continue to do so.  Sadly it seems we've been losing people slowly, but hey! This is still shit ton of attention which I thought I would never get! So gotta keep positive attitude. There is still over 50 of you which is unbelievable!

So... the 10$ Patrons....
I want to give you more than the +10 of BKQ and +5 of Sold Bride.  I've been thinking to make monthly poll for you, where you can choose character and theme for them. So you get full illustration each month, that will be exclusive for you for a month, until next piece comes. And if there is dirty bits, those will be censored in public release, but not for you.
How does that sound?
I haven't put that much wips about the pages, because I don't know if you're interested in them. But if you want I can upload more of those too!

I want to expand more. With the patreon exclusive porn comics. But I haven't been able to yet. I'm already losing my social life to pages... HAH!
But maybe next year I can balance my time better...

Well let me know your thoughts and see you later <3


Zhon Lord

Sounds like a good way to up the ante for the $10 folks to me, though I (and I'm sure my fellow $5ers) would very much like uncensored when it goes patreon-public should those themes get picked.