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Decided to update this because now I have the shipping prices for you too.

I still haven't sold much of these and this is my test to see if printing BKQ is ever a good idea. To take them away!

You can send me message here on patreon or email xjen.jenx@hotmail.com

Payments through Paypal



Thomas Boys

I'm currently next door in Sweden for a few more weeks but when I get back home I'd love a copy. :)

Thomas Boys

I'm from England but I'm learning Swedish for....reasons. I did have a friend on the course that taught me some Finnish though! "Kuusi Palaa", "Missä on sauna?", "Toinen juo, kiitos!" and the ever expressive "Perkele", which is superior to most Swedish profanity.


Ah! I see :'D Perkele and Missä on sauna are the most important things to remember though