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I guess I should show you some of my cketches that were drawn during my "silence" period. ^^" You know, those, that I post, are  just a liiiiittle part of them 'cause they usually look like a real mess x) 

I don't know why, but it's kinda hard for me to draw complex pics.. thanks for you, I still draw at least one in a month. So you keep me awake! :D I really happy you're here, I'm afraid I wouldn't post anything anywhere without you. <3

Well.. what do you think about this? Should I continue posting my sketches or this post is enough? :D Tell me please ^^  If you like it, I plan to post some anime/chibi stuff and, of course, some NSFW sketches. >;3

Also, tell me if you want to see my usual sketches? :D 

I'm not sure that I'll finish these. So if you would really like any of these sketches you can request me to draw it. ^^ And if one of them will have at least 2 votes I promise I'll draw it.




I still don't know why you're choosing not to finish them ! Lots of them are really good !


Well.. you know, I don't feel that "spark" insade ;_; And, of course, that feeling "you can do better then that" ^^" So that's why I'm asking your opinion - I think a fresh set of eyes can be really helpful! ^^