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So since I got so many request hoping me to do some NSFW stuff. I've finally decided to add NSFW content in the reward, starting from this month's rewards. I'll simply put them into Tier 2's and above level packs. Thank you for your support all the time.


pengin senshi

I hope to see some NSFW Asuka in the future!

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-12 18:16:40 あけましておめでとうございます。 ありがとうございますw 本年もよろしくお願いします。
2017-04-21 15:00:42 Yay! I qualify for tier 2! I am so looking forward to this now

Yay! I qualify for tier 2! I am so looking forward to this now


Mandatory Asuka xD ? Out of curiosity, do you plan to draw NSFW with more than 1 character +/- dick/dicks ? Asuka x Rei or x Mari ?


I'm a fan of your art and hearing the news that we'll now be able to admire the full splendor of your ladies really makes me happy. Really excited for Eva's best girl Asuka. Can't wait for the Touhou girls as well.

Just Passin By

Great news! Your sfw is awesome and now I am excited to see what NSFW content you create especially the yuri! Thank you!


Will there be a preview / SFW versions of the NSFW artwork?


I think personally that the fact your art manages to be so enticing while remaining SFW is what makes it superb.

Eddie Murphy

Do you have any plans to go back and make NSFW edits to previous art pieces?


I'm not so much a fan of the NSFW turns most artists take... but it's your decision and your art's pretty awesome. I enjoyed the sensual-but-not-porn aspect.