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Please see Feb's dropbox for the images: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/39xobfgp76igijoj2fnlt/h?rlkey=m4f8e157bpy9ve5hdrnr9do9l&dl=0 (same res for low/high boxes as these are just WIP sketches)

I might be providing some guest art for a visual novel, "After Hours: All Tied Up"! https://twitter.com/AfterTiedUp 

This character is Vanessa, designed by Ryner-E (who I'm sure you're familiar with https://www.patreon.com/Ryner_E/ ). The current idea is for a brief re-gagging requence, as seen in the second image (panels 2 and 5 were just me tinkering with alternate angles), though I'm not super happy with most of those faces, so if this plan does go forward, I'll likely redraw most of what you see there anyway - this is all just rough concept stuff to make sure I understood the assignment. ;p The third image is just me checking some alternate angles rather than a POV shot.

Plans could change and I can't really promise anything at the moment, as the creator and I are still discussing pricing (it's been like a decade since I've taken commissions, so I'm still figuring out how much I should charge) - but here's hoping for the best! :)




It's great to see a project all coming together.