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A little something for a friend, who's a big fan of Tae Takemi from Persona 5!

Big credit to Suichi for handling that pesky web pattern on her dress for me.

Hm, I've drawn a fair few P5 girls here now, huh? And yet, no Kawakami!? Maybe I'll rectify that, someday...

Anyway, please check out the pic in January 2024's Dropboxes:
Low: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/do3ixy28cp10zo4hocisz/h?rlkey=usdoqpfw8kvjr46ht7yois7cy&dl=0
High: https://www.patreon.com/posts/dropbox-link-res-96454225

Oh yeah, and I also FINALLY used the Collections feature that has replaced the 'Featured Tags'.
It's basically just an easier way to get to the Dropbox archive, or read through the sketches for previous issues of Escapades.



Momo Trotro

That tape armbinder is juicy, dang fine pic!^^