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(Sorry for the repost, I messed up the links and want to ensure that they're correct in the email)

The attached image depicts a consensual roleplay scenario starring my original characters.

So, "Bunny Season never ends", right? And just the other day, Aer notified Wossy that "Halloween isn't over until I say so", right? ...But now it's also Christmas...!?

Can we really celebrate three holidays at once!? This is all a bit much for Aer to handle - good thing she's got Wossy and Jaz looking out for her mental health!

( The first pose is, of course, a reference to one of Always Sunny's most famous bits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nTpsv9PNqo )


Unfortunately, this month has been a real struggle (and not the fun kind, like Aer now gets to enjoy ;p ), so for now, all I have to offer is this Work In Progress. There'll be a harness alt for the ballgäg, plus there'll actually be some extra bindings on that finale shot (thanks to Sui for whipping up that great rope harness design!).

I'm really sorry I couldn't get this one done on time, and for the low quantity of content this month. The final version of this one will go into December's Dropboxes, so even if you don't plan to pledge in January, you'll still be able to see the finished piece as long as you keep the DB link bookmarked:

Low: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/pu22ofwsj3pvgt1sc3tp7/h?rlkey=q5a2xvyussyvlf6uv4268gsvp&dl=0
High: https://www.patreon.com/posts/dropbox-link-res-94650813


Thank you all for your support this year. I'll do my best to deliver more kinky shenanigans in 2024!



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