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The attached image depicts a consensual roleplay scenario starring my original character.

"Yep, she's right where we left her."

Had some fun with various hood alts. This'll be coloured and finished hopefully by the end of this week, and I'll put the finished pic into November's Dropboxes so that even if you don't intend to pledge for December, you'll still be able to see this one when it's done, as long as you bookmark the link:

Low: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/txdcvrtl9d17rdq6gcafe/h?rlkey=15uya3kkvy6gbs8393x8lyqll&dl=0
High: https://www.patreon.com/posts/dropbox-link-res-92308625

And if you will be sticking around: thanks! I have a really fun Xmas minicomic in mind already. Can't wait to get started on it!



Jon Murphy

Love the panty hood style😍