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The attached images depict a consensual roleplay scenario starring my original characters.

Felt like playing with different styles again! This time, it's Bruce Timm's "The New Batman Adventures (1997-1999)".

TNBA is viewed by a lot of fans as a bit of an unwanted middle-child, an awkward mid-transition phase between its predecessor "Batman: The Animated Series (1992-1995)" and its successors "Batman Beyond (1999-2001)"/"Justice League (2001-2004)" - and I wouldn't necessarily even disagree with them! I mean, does anyone like TNBA's Joker with those beady little black eyes? :p

All that being said, I had a lot of fun tinkering with this style, and threw in some references, too. The ropes and OTMs are callbacks to Raven and Lark ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWoD0-DpTwM ) , the OTNs are coloured like Catwoman's ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGqD8Km2FWo ), and the mummification is like Wonder Woman's ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSW6rauwtLo ) ... man, the DCAU really was an incredible gold mine of bondage, huh? <3

There are a bunch of alts attached, also compiled into a zip to save you clicking save a bunch of times, and of course in August's dropboxes (where you can also do a one-click folder download).
Low: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/avt4lypyg15rb5f/AADCh95VKgEwWZl1wxxUvw1-a?dl=0
High: https://www.patreon.com/posts/dropbox-link-res-87456563
Truth be told, it's not actually that many alts - it just looks like a lot because I goofed up and made the first OTN fit the mummified versions but not the rope-tied versions where the jaw has been opened a bit, so made a second version that's just slightly bigger to cover the OTMs, and then threw in the choice of having the knot visible or hidden under hair. Oh, and a quick bit of playing with layer opacities to give the girls a clear-tape mummification too.


Shortly after being rescued by one of the Bat-family, I can imagine Aer grumbling on the plane home "Next time, we're visiting Metropolis instead. Surely nothing bad could happen to us there, right?" ;)




When they get to Metropolis they plan on having a lunch date with Lois Lane. Nothing could be more relaxing.


Exactly! Just a quick little interview for the Daily Planet's tourism column. What could possibly go wrong?


“Does ANYONE like TNBA’s Joker?” ….I do…😖💦 It’s creepy and villainous, and the blank pale face makes him look more unnatural; The later face he gets in JL onward feels TOO detailed & creepy by comparison. …actually I think the face we get In Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker might actually be the best blend of both 🤔


Yeah, ROTJ was a nice blend. Brought back the eyes, teeth and lip colourings of BTAS, but maintained the TNBA sharp angles and colour scheme, so it wasn't like a complete walk-back.