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Suck it up, Aer! No time for tears - Wossy's in trouble!

...But first, time for a quick exposition dump! I wanted to thoroughly explore Aer's thought process that leads to her rescue plan, and one of the biggest questions is "what could possibly be so important that she wouldn't just hand it over immediately?", since it's safe to say she'd give up mostly anything for Wossy's safety.

Which brings us to The Stone - it had brief teases in previous issues, and we saw Wossy using it for a single panel of issue 5. But it was never meant to be some big mystery secret mcguffin puzzle to be figured out by readers or anything - the lack of an explanation until now was really just due to never having an appropriate moment to sit down and go over it! Issue 4 was already bursting at the seams with story stuff, and in Issue 5 I think it'd have been weird to have interrupted the sexy playtime with a magic lesson. So, I figure Aer's flashback here is taking place shortly after the argument at the beginning of Issue 4 (hence them still wearing those outfits), with Aer having asked what exactly Syl&Ana could possibly have been after, and what Wossy actually *does* with all the other magic items.

And yep, Jaz will be sitting this issue out because I don't want her to always just pop up and solve W&A's problems like she did in #5. So we'll just have to see what Aer has planned for the big rescue! But now it's time to hop over to Wossy and her captors to see what they get up to while waiting for Aer... >:)

P.S. the mummybook's name is totally just a placeholder! :P




Amazing Wossy! Love the additions to the lore of the world, the girls are never anything less than hilarious and sexy entertainment~ adding mystery and drama like this to the mix just makes what’s already excellent even more exciting!!! Can’t wait to see more :)


“Ahmun-Derp” got a laugh out of me. Well done.


Thanks! Yeah, that's what Sui and I aim for when writing bits like this. It'd be nice to jump straight to the Fun Stuff, but taking the time to add some extra context here should hopefully pay off and reinforce everything else to come!


Alas, that's just a placeholder! I'll prolly look up a fancy translation for "bandage wrap" or something on the final dialogue pass. :p


Oh my goodness this looks AMAZING!!! I can’t wait for this one!!! You go Aer!!😍😍😍😍

FurryBound (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-31 05:23:00 See Aer be this BADASS is awesome! Even if it does end up backfiring on her, her actions prove she’s more than just a damsel in distress 🥰 Oh, and if you’re looking for alternate titles for the book, might I recommend “The Book of Mumm’ya” (based on the persian/arabic word “mummiya” the term “mummy” comes from)
2023-05-30 23:44:45 See Aer be this BADASS is awesome! Even if it does end up backfiring on her, her actions prove she’s more than just a damsel in distress 🥰 Oh, and if you’re looking for alternate titles for the book, might I recommend “The Book of Mumm’ya” (based on the persian/arabic word “mummiya” the term “mummy” comes from)

See Aer be this BADASS is awesome! Even if it does end up backfiring on her, her actions prove she’s more than just a damsel in distress 🥰 Oh, and if you’re looking for alternate titles for the book, might I recommend “The Book of Mumm’ya” (based on the persian/arabic word “mummiya” the term “mummy” comes from)