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Mission: start!

Wossy and Jaz are gonna free us from the clutches of Bunny Year, no matter how many BunnAers they have to restrain along the way!


Phew! This is the last page, but obviously the conflict is far from over. Now that we've been properly introduced, I intend to use this alt-universe setting for various pinup pieces! The note about Bunstrumentality not affecting anyone who was already wearing a bunnysuit allows for super easy cameos of other characters - there are lots of lovely OCs in the community that I've been admiring from afar over the years, and now I have a fun scenario to drop them into. The BunnAers are going to make lots of new playmates! >:)




Ohhhhh my god I never saw this coming but I LOVE it!!! Also also love all the inspired shots and scenes!

Momo Trotro

This year has been fuggin stellar, so many good references! Wossy & Jaz looking like they're gonna straight up cancel the Aerpocalypse, and very much looking forward to see where you take this series :D


Aerbert WeskAer must be stopped


Aer needs some time off in a nice comfy padded cell. She has gone mad with bunny power!