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Hi all!

I realized it's not exactly fair on you guys to just spring the submission/voting periods up so suddenly, so here's the predicted schedule assuming each month's final total in pledges is somewhere between $600-$900 USD (ensuring a vote every 3 weeks as per Goal #2). 

I also goofed a little in starting the current submissions on Thursday, since it means voting will take place over the weekend - when the weekend is actually a more ideal time to stream the pictures, right? Sorry about that - I've made sure the future instances begin on Tuesday to allow for weekend streams, and will continue to do so even if the frequency changes!

On another note regarding these votes...

As I've said before (and will continue to do so until you're sick of it!) I can't tell you all enough how grateful I am for your support, and hope to give back as best I can. With that in mind, I'm aware that this current submission&vote process boils down to a popularity contest, meaning that Patrons with more obscure characters may not enjoy it so much given the slim chance of their submission winning... 

I'm open to suggestions for additional or alternate rewards that I could try to work in. A lucky dip amongst the losers (essentially a randomly selected 'fourth place')? Some 'consolation prize' gag-bust sketches? Maybe even cancel the currently planned increase in vote frequency, in favour of "less votes, but more winners" - like a constant one vote per month, but the total pledge amount determines how many winners? I'm just spitballing here and would love to hear your thoughts.

Thanks for reading!




A random lucky dip sounds good to me, consolation gag busts sound good too though