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Hey all!

I'm going to be spending July working exclusively on the final touches of Escapades Issue 5. I can't really charge you for a month in which I don't plan to post anything besides a comic that's already long overdue, so I've placed the Patreon billing cycle on hold and your next charge won't be until August 1st.

$10 InsidAers, be sure to get your copy of Issue 4 if you haven't done so already as I'll be removing the download on June 30th! (Of course, as a general note: if you ever lose any of your copies, just message me and I can easily send replacements, so it's not a big deal either way)

Thank you for bearing with me through this awkward year of catchup and underwhelming Dropboxes! ಥ益ಥ



Trevor Bond

Oh. Thank you, quite honest of you!