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This image of a consenting role play scenario can be found in the September 2019 Dropboxes:

Standard: https://www.patreon.com/posts/30137330

High: https://www.patreon.com/posts/30137333


Tatsumaki may be a super-powerful S-class hero, but my immersion scientists informed me that she's scared of ghosts. So, we went googling for some spooksters, and were reminded of No-Face from Spirited Away ( https://ghibli.fandom.com/wiki/No-Face ). The idea string then developed to "okay, spooky ghost mask wrapping her up", and then I remembered we already have something perfect for that in the Chinadoll Mask! ( http://fav.me/d5irwhl , http://fav.me/d86t3ua , http://fav.me/d89uhs5 ) So, I guess it's just suuuuper strong to be able to beat her Psychokinesis.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

Anyway, another month of coloured runner ups. What can I say, colour just looks nice!




Quite the interesting concept for her. Hope you use this idea in the future again as a living mask is a neat idea. Could also lead to some nice expressions.


Whoa, where did those Tifa Bunnygirl pics in the folder come from??


Tifa fell juuust short in the vote so I threw in a bonus bunny for her. :D https://www.patreon.com/posts/monthly-fanart-30242420 , https://www.patreon.com/posts/monthly-fanart-30586736


Here's hoping that Tatsumaki can breathe under that red ribbon gag of hers (to be fair, that seems to be her last concern as the Chinadoll mask gets ever closer to her head). Great call incorporating one of her personality quirks into this pic, by the way. It really helps to sell the realism of this gal reacting to how she's been bound and gagged. And hey, bringing back something from your older DiD art, hells to the yeah! Obvious as this is gonna sound, you've really come a LONG way in just five years, and you should be dang proud of that. Now the real question is...where is Fubuki during all this shenaniganry?