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September's results are in!

Threw in a bonus bunny since it was another month where there was a clear power gap between the top 4, and then the drop to 5th.

Here are the currently presented ideas for the winners, and more will always be helpful!

3rd Place:
Makoto - "Sometime during the Casino Palace, Makoto is captured by Shadow Sae and  was forcibly employed as a bunny girl waitress by her. How she is bound  will be left to your discretion. " plus " If the scenario for the Makoto drawing is used, I feel the restraint material should be leather. It's shiny and stylish to fit the extravagance of a casino. It is also logical, seeing that Makoto's outfit looks like biker leathers. ", alternately,  "Sae catches Makoto planting the bug on her computer, and privately interrogates her in a cell to find out more about the Phantom Thieves. Heavy steel bondage being involved." [Wossa note: Only so much that can be done with a gag bust, but I'll do my best! FYI she's already had an OTN http://fav.me/dbrl8ak and a tapewrap http://fav.me/dcpd8le so I'd at least like to draw a new gag]

2nd Place:
Tatsumaki - "Maybe she finally lost to a monster and is kept as a trophy? Would need  some kind of power-cancelling collar or other thing to keep her from  immediately breaking free." [Wossa note: Haven't read/watched OPM so totally unfamiliar with this character, but I can dig power-nullification collars. Big and chunky like in X-Men, right?]

1st Place:
Clover - "We need to finish up the totally spies bunny girl trio!" [Wossa note: I probably don't need too much help with this one, huh? ;) ]




OPM doesn't have power nullification collars normally, so artistic license will be required.

Trevor Bond

Sounds like a great schedule!