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Hey everyone!

tl;dr I'm removing a lot of posts (but the Dropboxes will remain intact) and setting up a Discord server.

I've been hearing some concerning rumblings about Patreon tightening the noose on kinky creators. Even though my content is known for generally being pretty tame, and I always try to give my 'damsel in distress' pieces some in-universe context (and maybe a tongue-in-cheek joke or two ;p ), I'm worried that some of the Fanart Vote Winners pieces could still draw me some bad attention from the people in charge.

I already met the "Patreon Trust & Safety" staff a year ago when my page got temporarily suspended for having a NSFW banner and they were pleasant enough, so if any trouble should occur again I'm hopeful that it'll be sorted out without too much fuss...
Still, I'm feeling a little jittery so I'm gonna take two pre-emptive measures:

1. Over the course of the next 24 hours, I'm going to be editing and/or deleting a LOT of posts - the idea being that when I'm done, no content that Patreon might disagree with will be hosted on their servers. Of course, all of the pictures will still exist in the monthly dropbox links, which aren't going anywhere, so no need to start going through the Patreon feed and saving all the pictures - this isn't like a DeviantArt 'gallery purge'.

2. I'm setting up a Discord server. I'd been avoiding this since I know not everybody has Discord or wants to have to add ANOTHER server to their list, but it currently seems to be one of the better ways to distribute content. As such, it's not going to be a 'general discussion' server with rooms for anime/gaming etc - just a few tiered rooms for me to post stuff to, and one or two feedback rooms.
As far as I understand, once I link the server with Patreon it will automatically 'import' you into the correct role, assuming you have your account linked. There'll no doubt be some technical difficulties here so I'll try my best to stay on top of things manually, too.

I know that neither of these are ideal, and apologize for the hassle.
Thanks as always for your support! 



Silver lining is at least we got a WOSSA DISCORD SERVER NOW WOAH


Don't get too excited! It really will just be the very basics - I figure everyone already has their preferred communities for discussing media and sharing smut.


Ugh, what is the world coming to, that kink is no longer safe ANYWHERE? WHY is this happening?! I just don't understand it at all. Patreon doesn't have advertisers to appease, so why do they CARE?! This bullshit has fucked over one creator after another that I pay good money to for satisfying my particular interests. Why is Patreon fucking with that?! There's going to have to be another tumblrpocalypse, but this time a Patreocolpyse, where kinky creators have to find YET ANOTHER platform for their work. This has gone beyond ridiculous.


No need to be sorry, it's not your fault that Patreon is engaging in a crackdown on kinky content posted to their site. I can already see this fiasco inspiring another future pic, where Wossy and Aer try to engage in bondage while making it seem as innocent as possible...although maybe that would be too on the nose in terms of inspiration? Regardless, thank you for updating us like this. You're one of three other artists on Patreon who have posted such updates, and not to be negative but I have a feeling more will be added on to that list.


A Japanese artist I follow had to do the same thing. So don't feel too bad about it, We're fine like wine.

Trevor Bond

You do what you gotta do, Woss. Sites are free to change and adjust their rules and enforcement, so people gotta react somehow!