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Humans are tough and chewy, no good for eating.

Being a bit of a gag snob, and I'm sure many of you are too, something I'd like to do is squeeze in a little compilation of 'gag alts' of panels like the ones on this page (and a few more to follow), where W&A are webbed up but chatting. Kinda like the 'bonus sketches' that have come at the end of previous issues. It's tough to balance bondage and story, and while I've definitely let story take the reigns here and am happy with that decision, I also see an opportunity to somewhat easily add some extra value to the total package for those who would prefer to skim through looking for the 'good stuff'. ;)




Oh no!! Shes not a mean after all!! Shes cuuuuuute!!! ♡♡♡♡♡♡


Holy crow this story seems to be taking a dark turn, and I love it all the more for that. The little character moments are great too, like Aeria questioning the spider lady about feeding them while Wossy just noms some bread. Nice to see the "villain" may have more depth than expected (can't wait to her her story!) I like the idea of the gag alts, especially if you try and tie these alts into the feel of the story. For example, maybe the spider lady uses different gags instead of her webbing (to make better use of the location), having different reactions to each one. Perhaps she remarks that the tape gag is almost as sticky as her own webbing, even applying it sloppily over Wossy and Aeria's mouths the first time. If you're still have difficulty balancing bondage with the story, consider having the spider lady regag Wossy or Aeria at points over the next few pages; I'd think that Aeria would constantly interrupt with questions, forcing the spider lady to regag her and Wossy to translate her friend's further questions in gagspeak.


Cool, glad you're enjoying it! :D Probably just going to stick with web gags and no edited context (likely remove the drider's text bubbles, and change W&A's to mmphing), but we'll see. Mhm, that's actually something I've considered, or at least something similar - both girls butting in and being told something like "I'm glad you're interested but this will be easier if you just let me tell the story in full, and then we'll take questions after." while gagging them... but again, we'll see. My process is to loosely script out the contents and required story beats for each page, and then when actually drawing it and writing the dialogue I make room for a little improv. So it'll depend on how much page-space I need to make sure I'm not missing any details in Drider's tale, and then if there's any room left to squeeze in a 'be quiet' moment. Also, unrelated, but on another Patreon I follow I saw you mention 'let me know if these long comments are getting annoying', so I'd just like you to know they're incredibly appreciated by myself, and I'm sure all the other artists feel the same way!

Mark Johner

on the job training you say Aer might want to scroll up and see what that would be but it may be hard to use your phone with just your nose.


That's an effective way to plan out the comic: having a general idea of where you want it to start and end, but leaving enough space when it comes visuals and character dialogue. Even if you don't include the "quiet please" scene, I'm sure it'll be a welcome addition to the last three chapters you've created. Thanks for considering the idea either way. And I'm glad you enjoy my comments; it can be difficult to tell when I'm going overboard in terms of looking over the pictures and trying to find the best parts of them (not just the bondage and the gags and the general kinkiness, but stuff like realistic lighting and shading too). Seriously, thank you for that unrelated, but very much appreciated, comment. Took me way too long to respond, I know...