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Got an early start on this year's Valentines piece. I really enjoyed the lil' 4koma+pinup style used for 2018 Valentines and Easter pics, so felt like revisiting it. Patreon, Twitter and Pixiv will of course get the left version, while DA gets the right. (Well, PT/TW/PX get both, really!) So, a little cleanup and this should be good to go on the 14th.


In other news, my pc is on its last legs, with frequent weird glitches, every program flipping a coin on whether it wants to stay open for more than 10 minutes at a time, and for the past week, daily bluescreen deaths! D: Granted, most of it (aside from upgrading the GPU and power supply last year) was put together back in early 2013, so I can't be too mad at the poor thing. Some of the issues are probably solved with a fresh Windows install, but others are definitely hardware related, so I finally bit the bullet and ordered all the parts required for a new build.
ANYWAY, the point of all this is that I'm not 100% on how Dropbox handles the connection between the stored folders and the links I've been generating for you guys - there is a chance that when I get everything reinstalled onto the new computer, I might need to resync all the files and it might break the existing links. If this happens, I'll go back and fix them all ASAP.

Also, Patreon had a bit of a snafu this month with sloooow processing of Patrons and pledges, so I was planning to open the next round of fanart submissions yesterday but I was worried that not all the InsidAers pledges had gone through and that might have barred them from even seeing the post, so I've pushed it back to Monday the 11th. It'll be Valentines themed, so get to thinking about which lovebirds you wanna see! (Also, Jan's winner, Mei, should be done by the end of this week).

Phew! Okay. So, I'll be out of action for a day - no more than two - while I sort PC stuff, and when I get back, look forward to more streams at https://picarto.tv/WossaRem ! Love you guys!




I would love to see more 4komas from you, or at least some two pannelers.


Oooo, *naughty*! Also, I love the Safe for DA version. Heheh.

The Phoenix King

Very nice work, looking forward to the finished product. Shame about your computer issues, those always suck, so I hope it ends up working out for you.

Trevor Bond

I think both versions are nice in their own way. And yeah, sympathies on the computer problems.... mine's mostly 2012 refurbished, so I'm expecting meltdowns any time now.