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The results are in!

First, the obligatory update regarding the votes for the $3 patrons who will be unaware (I guess it woulda been smarter to just make a single post at the $3 level rather than addressing each tier in the submission/vote/result threads over the week...) - I've been struggling to keep up with the vote pictures and as such have decided to trim the podium down to "1 winner, 1 runner up" - still 2 votes per month, but 4 pictures rather than 6. I'm sorry to have to cut back after going strong for so many months, but this feels necessary.

Obviously, July#2's pictures are still on the way, but they will be done Soon™ and I'll then hop right onto Aug#1's winners. Thank you for your patience, I'm sorry to have fallen behind but I'm confident about getting back on track!

So, here are the winner and runner-up for this vote, along with some ideas that were presented for them. Any more will be welcome!

Camilla: "Since she has such a dominatrix style it would be cool to see her get  the tables turned and put into strict, ponygirl-like  bondage...especially since I suspect she would enjoy it before long" (I'm digging this idea. Since we already trussed her up in ropes and a cloth gag https://www.patreon.com/posts/jan-2017-1-1st-7736039 , it'd be nice to go in the opposite direction with specialist gear)

Saber: " show tied up Saber as if she was actually playable in the mobile game. I believe the following UI references are correct but I don't play FGO, so others will have to correct me if I'm wrong. She could have some sort of cheeky bondage skill equipped :D  http://assets.rpgsite.net/images/images/000/055/588/original/fgo_axpresskit_%2813%29.jpg http://i.imgur.com/tfNVDfG.png" (this is a pretty cute idea. Jam did something similar with another mobage and it was nice http://fav.me/db63d3u , plus I'm a sucker for messing around with established UI designs and mimicry)

Again, thank you all for your support and patience. 




Glad to see we're on the same page re: Camilla! Excited to see what you come up with. Depending on how many background details you want to add, could further signify her defeat/humiliation by showing her axe broken or her wyvern muzzled or something


Miku ;_; maybe one day...


I'm very happy with this result. Whoever designed Camilla at IS probably knew this would happen :D


At long last, she made it. \o/


As for the reduction from 3 to 2 pictures... I wonder if you had considered changing the quality-to-quantity ratio at all? The winner pics so far have all been really high quality, obviously taking a lot of time and care to finish. Could there be a place for more sketchy stuff/return of gag busts, or something like that?


Congrats, Mordred is pretty cute. I was hoping for Lucina these past few months but she just never quite makes it


got an idea for mordred bondage, seeing as mordred is king arthurs traitorous son in Arthurian legend, (and both female in the fate franchise).... maybe have mordred captured and being dagged in bondage before saber in her throne room to face judgement. (saber/ arturia ref: <a href="https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/c1/b2/0a/c1b20a3ef240d2b867c47042cea26d75.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/c1/b2/0a/c1b20a3ef240d2b867c47042cea26d75.jpg</a> ) have saber and the throne room out of focus but recognisable in the background, and mordred fitted with a harness ball gag to prevent her biting the guards with her fangs, and also show them off, so others will look on her as a wild animal ( <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w18nCaKTwIE" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w18nCaKTwIE</a> around the 10 sec mark is most clear) stripped down to the outfit she wears in the video, or even nude, and her bindings have a magical suppressing charm fitted to weaken her.


Ah, darn! It's really too bad that Rally lost out on the winner's circle by just one vote. I would really have loved to see her in your style! Oh phooey... I JUST realized that I could have been particpating in the voting, if only i'd upped my pledge to $7. And my vote would have put Rally over the top... :( I just upped to $7, anyway, so I can vote next time.


For what it's worth, I'm sorry Rally didn't quite make it - I'm very keen on her design and was rooting for her! :(