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Did another trade with JamoART ! He drew a wonderful Wossy (which you'll get to see when we both post our halves to our public DA/X/etc pages - I've asked him to wait until late September as I already have an upload schedule in place for the new few weeks), and I drew his popstar character, Helene!

My initial idea was for an overzealous fan who just wanted all their merch signed, like "Instead of paying to ship my massive collection to you and back, I thought it'd be easier to just bring you to me", but then I got to thinking about bootleg stuff and scalpers and other annoying online sales shenanigans, and adjusted my course!

Textless and BG-less versions also included in the 'Extras and Alts' folder. And I definitely remembered to sync the Dropbox this time! :p

Low: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/p3thge920grnz5shj0tsi/AN5lzAuz9N64eOYw40BVhAI?rlkey=jx9d9j58szimr9z4fnehfcfe3&st=gnhb86tx&dl=0
High: https://www.patreon.com/posts/dropbox-link-res-109670998




That's such a clever 'ransom' method!