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Tch. She's really quite high maintenance, isn't she? Doesn't she know we have more important things to do than tying her up every night!? This smug, entitled behaviour is why she's best kept gägged. >:(
...Ah, but then she gets exactly what she wanted anyway! Curses! ;_;


The Spies Pt2 pic is aaaaalmost done (inked and flatted, just gotta shade those nice catsuits, plus a bit of background work since there's a fun scenario), and will be in July's boxes within the next couple of days (ideally tomorrow, but we'll see), so as always, please bookmark the DB links to ensure you can see the finished pic even if you're not intending to be here in August!

Low: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/jkp4lzj8qw0sm74e0gg6h/ACQBTdq9deZCPxRjSakRGYc?rlkey=tlcm8bp5peikcrauomulrgjdx&st=hfbzht8s&dl=0

High: https://www.patreon.com/posts/dropbox-link-res-107845797

And if you will be sticking around, thank you!




Now I’m picturing a fantasy world with Wossy as a warrior trying to rescue the kidnapped Princess Aer, or maybe Warrior Wossy is the one kidnapping Princess Aer? Eh, doesn’t make much difference.


I did a little Zelda parody many years ago, and there was the brief mistaken identity with BarbarianWossy and MageAer back in Escapades 4 - oh, and there were the handful of Skyrim mod inspired pics too! But there's always room for more fantasy shenanigans. I actually watched Conan the Barbarian (1982) for the first time other day, so, that's maybe something to play with... :bigthink: