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WOOHP has got itself some new recruits! I'm sure all of their missions will go totally smoothly. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I do intend to follow this up with the obvious conclusion, but I couldn't get a nice composition/poses/scenario going when I last tried. I'll give it another shot in July.

Meanwhile, I'm working on a fun sequence - Suichi provided a fun idea and design, so Mel's finally gonna get to check out the max security wing at Hellgate Prison! You can see some of the work-in-progress sketches in June's dropbox. It's not gonna be done until next week, but I'll upload the final image to June's box, so please make sure to bookmark it in case you're no longer pledged at that time.

Low: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/i1xa4msq0bpj2sldq24fh/AF2T8lDdAG-NYZ2syilLO5k?rlkey=fydvqg6ldw2rall22uadeoxcy&st=swkl98gz&dl=0

High: https://www.patreon.com/posts/106106588




AHHHH!!!! They look so cute in their suits!!!!😍😍😍😭😭😭 I can’t wait to see them get tied up!!😏😈😈😈


Brilliant! A match made in heaven