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Shame she doesn't have her namesake item around, it'd be super useful right about now! ;p

FF9 was my childhood FF game, so Garnet/Dagger is yet another suspiciously Aer-like crush of mine. :p I drew her once before, loooong ago, in a pic that's also in the Dropbox.

Low: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/i1xa4msq0bpj2sldq24fh/AF2T8lDdAG-NYZ2syilLO5k?rlkey=fydvqg6ldw2rall22uadeoxcy&st=swkl98gz&dl=0

High: https://www.patreon.com/posts/106106588



Momo Trotro

The ropework here is delicious, great work😌👌