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Sometimes I get asked questions about Wossy and Aeria - be it from people wanting to do fanarts/fanfics, or just out of curiosity - and I realized that in all these years showing the pair getting up to kinky shenanigans, I'd never put together a simple 'fact file' for them.

tl;dr There are still plenty of details missing (likes & dislikes, special skills, etc) which I intend to put on further pages along with alternate outfits. Wossy's birthplace is finally official to help quell confusion over her accent, and she also has a 'normal' name! Brief introduction pages are also planned for Jazmyr, Sylvia and Ana, and the Curiocity store, for people who haven't been able to read Escapades.


Long version:

There's not much truly new info on here, just a quick summary for anyone who doesn't have time to look through a decade of DeviantArt posts to get a feel for the duo. There are still some missing details, obviously a 'likes/dislikes' section is usually expected on these kinds of things, but I'm actually planning to give both girls a second page each that will contain alternate outfits and any other details worth mentioning. So for instance, Aer's second page can have her workout outfit, and I can use that space to put a caption like "Aer has high flexibility and endurance from practicing advanced-level yoga" or something similar. I think that'll go smoother than just trying to cram everything onto these first pages by shrinking the font until it's a "bio page for ants"!


One common source of confusion (that is entirely my own fault) is the girls' accents. Not everyone knows Aer is a Brit, while others think both girls are Brits (since they do both live there) and they interpret Wossy's accent as Cockney, and then others know that Wossy is American so she gets read in people's heads with a deep southern cowboy drawl, and when people ask me for clear answers I've spent all these years just shrugging "Wossy is American but I don't have an exact state in mind". So to finally put an end to that, Sui and I recently spent hours trawling Youtube and looking at maps, and we've found a location that will make sense lore/story-wise, and is closer to how I personally hear Wossy's voice in my head: Virginia! It's on the east cost of the USA and still has the kind of twang that would line up with Wossy's written "ah'm Wossy" dialogue, plus it'll work nicely with some of the other (currently unexplored) story elements like Wossy's parents. If you're interested in hearing some examples, you can watch these: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1l7Caejx7A & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71BoGw3gytU

I think the only truly "whoa, what!?" new info on here is that Wossy does actually have a real, 'normal' name! The most I've ever previously revealed is that "Wossy" is a shortened "Wossername", but her first name has quietly been Samantha for at least as long as this Patreon's been around. It's never been a "big secret", more just... something I've never had much reason to disclose, so it's kinda funny to just drop it like this here! Her surname is much more recent, as it was decided about the same time as her birthplace.

Smaller summaries for Jazmyr, Sylvia, and Ana will come at some point too, along with a better explanation of Curiocity - these are all things that mostly only exist inside issues of Escapades, so I would wager that the majority of my audience who haven't read any issues don't really know what Wossy & Aer actually do for a living, or why a noseless drow-elf-looking spider-witch has been hanging out with them in pinups lately, or why they've been getting harassed by Syl&Ana from time to time! Again, these are also all my own fault, so these upcoming sheets will hopefully clear things up a little.


Phew! Okay, back to the fun stuff! For the remaining ~week of May, I am aiming to get something cooked up in advance of Shio-bari's birthday which is mid-June, plus at least one but ideally two pages of Escapades issue 6. Thanks for bearing with me this month - as mentioned on previous posts, I'm in a little bit of a creative funk at the moment but I'm slowly crawling back out of it. Over on my Discord server I shared some of my 'ideas' notepad file, and talking about some of those concepts definitely helped pick me back up a little, so we should be seeing some fun stuff once I'm back to firing on all cylinders!




I think this emphasizes how these two were literally made for each other.