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Feeling a little creatively burnt-out at the moment (no big deal, these phases come and go), but rather than throw another "Uh, it's Aer in sleepwear. That's it. That's the picture." at you, this time I've drawn from the other "ol' reliable" wells: childhood nostalgia, and remakes! They're very scribbly sketches, but hopefully still nice to look at.

We've got Blaze from Streets of Rage, specifically in her look from 4... though if I have ONE complaint about that game, it's that they took away her tights! But hey, nothing we can't fix. ;)
There are some super sexy dominatrix enemies in the SoR games, and the main villainess of 4 was a super-cute Aer-proxy, too. So, there's tons to draw from for a full-scenario piece someday... but for now it's just Blaze in the white void.

Meanwhile, Rogue! Not much else needs to be said there, but for the record, I think it's safe to say Wossy and Aeria wouldn't exist (or at least, would look and behave very differently) without 90s TAS Rogue and Evolution Rogue, respectively! So yeah, I've always liked Rogue a lot. :p And I've been enjoying the new '97 show too, so that's something we could maybe play with later.

I dunno if I'll return to these exact pics to ink them and stuff, or if I'll just start from scratch with new poses if I come back to these characters. Time will tell!




I do enjoy these, but I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of Aer in her silky nightgowns either


I love “Streets of Rage”! It’s definitely a series that deserves more attention 🥰