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To me, 'April' means 'Bunny Season' (not that Bunny Season ever ends), but to many people, it means '80s/90s childhood cartoon crush'. ;)
(Truth be told, my preferred Saturday morning 'large animals with attitude' entertainment was Biker Mice From Mars, which also happened to feature a danger-prone lady-friend to the titular protagonists!)

Anyway, Jamo was working on a pic of Ms O'Neil and asked if I'd ever drawn her, to which I realized I haven't! Not even a Bun-Bodybase head! So, here we are. She'll be in for a pretty intense yoga session if her offscreen captor decides to raise that crane, but even then, it's hardly the worst peril she's ever faced, considering she gets dangled over vats of acid every other week... so... no biggie! :p

My refs were a mixture of her classic cartoon appearance, and the recent Shredder's Revenge game, which I did very much enjoy. Love me some beat'em'ups!



Momo Trotro

She's just trussed up so that April can join the April festivities and be put into a bunnysuit! A necessary convergence of April's^^