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All done! Please see March's boxes for this year's minimanga!

Low: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/t3fqlft6lm5zmt876s4xb/h?rlkey=sxwg6f64pgt0mjaam7748fvww&dl=0
High: https://www.patreon.com/posts/dropbox-link-res-99887318

I'd been fantasizing about this scenario for Queen Aer ever since last year's B-Day, and I'm super happy to have finally extracted it from head to page! Big thanks to Suichi as usual for his guidance throughout, spicing up my initial pacing, poses and Queen outfit designs.

Aer's maybe Taking "know thyself" a little further than the ancient Greeks intended, but "taking things too far" is how Bunny Year began, so nothing here should surprise her...

...And yet. >:)


The public DeviantArt/Twitter/Pixiv/Bluesky postings will be a staggered release through April. Page 1 should go up on the 10th, and then the following pages every ~5-ish days or so.

Meanwhile, with that taken care of, back here I'll be getting started on April's content! I have a cute multi-variants Aer sketch that is due a little bit of cleanup before I share that, plus there's that Vanessa sequence for After Hours to ink and colour. Hopefully squeeze in another pic or two, maybe some Lucky Draws - I'll aim for some anime/vidya/comic/etc fanart subjects since maybe my constant onslaught of Aers can get a little tiresome! ;p And of course, Escapades is always moving along too.

Anyway, thank you as always for your support, especially these days when TOS updates have me walking on eggshells and making it a hassle for you to access the content that I'd really rather just share directly. As mentioned before, if you have Discord (a free chat program), please consider setting up Patreon/Discord account integration so that it won't even be necessary for you to visit Patreon at all or worry about bookmarking Dropbox links, since you'll have a direct picture feed via my Discord server.

Alrighty, seeya soon with some fun things!



Jammy Serendipity

I feel like this Bunny Year series needs one more edition to wrap things up.