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Please see March's Dropbox for the image: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/t3fqlft6lm5zmt876s4xb/h?rlkey=sxwg6f64pgt0mjaam7748fvww&dl=0 (same res for low/high boxes as it's just a rough sketch)

Following up from https://www.patreon.com/posts/vanessa-after-99151698 , the developer for After Hours ( https://twitter.com/AfterTiedUp ) and I have come to a price/content agreement and we'll be going forward with an updated version of the sequence. The POV view has shifted to one of the alternate angles previously tested, but the sequence itself still follows the same core beats.

I'll be spending the rest of this month on the Bunny Year minicomic (it's coming along really well, can't wait to share it!), so this Vanessa sequence will be cleaned up/coloured etc in April.


In other news, Patreon recently updated their TOS with some additional clarifications that.. well, to put it into gaming lingo: they feel like targeted nerfs to my build. ;p Not the end of the world, but it does mean that I will need to do this "go look at Dropbox" schtick a lot more. Not all the time, but a lot more. I'm really sorry about that - it really sucks having to ask you guys to jump through hoops just to see stuff, but it's a necessary evil.

If you have a Discord account, I highly recommend setting up the Discord Integration feature. Instructions: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-gb/articles/212052266-Getting-Discord-access
Once integrated, you'll automatically join my server and be given a "role" that will let you access private rooms that act as an uncensored mirror to this Patreon feed - since I can just post the images directly there, it's super convenient for everyone.

Anyway, enough fearmongering from me! I'll keep on trucking until the powers that be say otherwise.



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