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Here is the next lyrics discussion that we have for all of you. Babylon is the 5th song on the album. We skipped discussing Paradise, and an interlude that are on the album! For those of you who haven't heard the Paradise discussion yet, we encourage you to go back in the archives a little bit and check out the Paradise discussion that we gave to you a little while ago! We did a video version and an audio version.

This is the longest of our podcasts so far, and we don't know how you guys are feeling about them! We would love to hear your thoughts on what you're looking for from the podcast. Do you want longer? Shorter? What stuff do you like the best? Comedy? Deep dives? Love to hear from you all, so either comment here or shoot us an email at info@walkerandwylde.com! 

Love you all.

Walker & Wylde 


Sam Boyco

So excited to listen to these album breakdowns - but I’m gonna wait till the album comes out!


The longer episode was great!