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Such an easy tactic to use, I can't figure out why no US Administration has used it!




China is the third largest holder of US bonds, which means the US is constantly paying its No. 1 enemy on its debt. But if the US wanted to, it could turn the tables on China and potentially bankrupt it. In this episode of China Uncensored, we look at what China owes the US, why the one China policy is key to this debt, and how the US could use this to its advantage. YouTube demonetizes our channels, we need your support! https://www.patreon.com/ChinaUncensored https://chinauncensored.locals.com We also accept bitcoin! https://chinauncensored.tv/bitcoin And Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=GAHZXYHGCBP3L Buy our merchandise! https://chinauncensored.tv/merchandise China Uncensored on Odysee https://odysee.com/@ChinaUncensored China Uncensored on Rumble https://rumble.com/c/ChinaUncensored Make sure to share this video with your friends! ______________________________ Subscribe for updates: youtube.com/ChinaUncensored?sub_confirmation=1 ______________________________ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChinaUncensored Facebook: https://facebook.com/ChinaUncensored Instagram: https://instagram.com/ChinaUncensored And check out the China Unscripted podcast! https://youtube.com/chinaunscripted #China #bankrupt ______________________________ © All Rights Reserved.



I like it a lot. Here’s another way: 1) sue China in the US for negligently causing Covid and intentionally covering it up, costing many US lives and enormous expenditures of the federal and state governments. If needed, add claims for the value of stolen intellectual property of US citizens and corporations (obtaining assignments of those claims from their owners, in return for a pass-through of a percentage of the recoveries). Total value of claims? The approximate value of all US bonds owned by China. “Foreclose” the bonds to satisfy the debt. 2) Then do Chris’s suggestion: make an $850B demand for the old debt incurred by Nationalist China, a la PM Thatcher. How to collect it? Gee, China is owed huge sums from all the “Belt and Road Initiative” debtor countries, who would overnight become the US’ best buds if the US took an assignment of their debt to China in exchange for whatever military or commercial advantage the US might negotiate, and then setting the debt off against sums owed by China to the US on the old bonds. We thus have to pay nothing to China, wiping out, say, two trillion dollars in CCP assets, reducing the US national debt by maybe a trillion dollars, and wiping out the value to the CCP of China’s costly expansionist efforts around the third world. Or whatever.

Tony Chopkoski

Well, foreign investment in China id down from 100 billion to 20 billion, and Chinese people are not spending but saving. All of which leads to no growth....